Subject: booting problem with DT 266
To: None <>
From: Clemens Heitzinger <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 08/26/1999 16:28:44
I am new to NetBSD and I'm trying to install it on my beige DT 266. I
got boot.fs.gz from the netbsd-1.4.1 directory, ungzipped it, wrote it
to a floppy using "dd if=3Dboot.fs of=3D/dev/fd0" (this happend under
Linux), and rebooted the Mac. However, it accesses the floppy for a
short time and ejects it. It booted it and held down
Shift+Option+Common+Backspace, which showed a floppy icon, the floppy
was accessed, but then ejected, and the floppy icon had a cross on
it. I also tried getting to the OF prompt and typing "boot
fd,\netbsd-GENERIC_MD" (and some variations thereof, this is OF
version 2.4 btw), which yielded a blank screen, but then the floppy
was ejected.
I also tried the boot.fs.gz from the netbsd-1.4 directory, and I
checked the MD5 sums for all boot.* files.
So, I assume the disk image is somehow faulty or (more probable) I am
doing something wrong. (I don't know much about OF and booting the
Mac, but have some Linux/i386 experience.)
I would appreciate it very much if you cc your replies to cheitzin
(at), since I am not yet subscribed to port-macppc (has yet
to be checked).
Thanks in advance,
-- =
Clemens Heitzinger
Student der Techn. Mathematik, Technische Universit=E4t Wien, =D6sterreic=
Vienna University of Technology, Austria