Subject: Re: ibook
To: Kevyn Shortell <>
From: Todd Whitesel <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 08/18/1999 04:10:45
> Currently you cannot run anything but MacOS on the iBook, so I'm
> afraid you won't be able to run NetBSD on it out of the box.
Apparently the iBook has a lot of new hardware; what I hear from chatting
with Apple folks is that the system chipset used in the iBook is going to
become the standard chipset for future G3 (and maybe G4?) systems.
I remember the 'Mac of the month' era, where you couldn't turn around without
bumping into a fresh motherboard chipset from Apple, so this is a welcome bit
of news, even if it means just one more round of new hardware to support...
Todd Whitesel
toddpw @