Subject: -Current Boots PowerCenter Pro
To: PortMacPPC-NetBSD <>
From: Andy Finnell <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 07/03/1999 14:23:35
If anyone's interested, I've finally got NetBSD 1.4 to boot on my
PowerCenter Pro 180. I was having trouble booting the generic 1.4
kernel off the hard disk. It was suggested that the kernel I was using
was corrupted, but this turned out not to be the case ( Bob Nestor was
kind enough to send me another CD without charge.) Since the release
kernel didn't work I installed the 1999-06-20 snapshot and everything
booted fine. :-)
BTW, X doesn't seem to like the fact that I don't have a mouse hooked up
to my keyboard (it has a builtin touchpad). It says something about
kbd/mouse not existing, and then prints a few error messages. I can
send the exact ones once I get PPP setup. I'm guess my touchpad isn't
supported yet.