Subject: FW: Creating a boot floppy for installation.
To: None <>
From: Nicolas Linkert <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 06/29/1999 15:33:17
Anyway -
apart from OF - which I think is total crap (if OF is corrupt, aren't there
fixes for that problem?) - does anybody know whether someone is working on
different boot options? If Apple is able to set up a dual boot option which
works fine one my beige G3 (MOSXS - Mac OS), shouldn't it be possible to
create a bootloader for the ordinary Mac OS and Linux/BSD? And how could OF
be used for that?
I think there's something on the way from Yellow Dog Linux which could
substitute that awful boot process with OF.
________Nicolas Linkert - CYBERLINE GmbH_______________
.Internet, Multimedia, Marketing und Corporate Design
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