Subject: Re: NetBSD/G3 upgrade
To: Rolf Marvin =?iso-8859-1?q?B=F8e?= Lindgren <>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 06/21/1999 10:25:51
On 20 Jun 1999, Rolf Marvin [iso-8859-1] B=F8e Lindgren wrote:
> [ Rolf Marvin B=F8e Lindgren
> | Unfortunatly not, though it might be closer. The problem is that we
> | support neither the CPU (the 601) nor the hardware in that
> | machine. :-(
> if I installed a G3 CPU upgrade, say a MaxPower (or whatever cute
> spelling they use) it wouldn't be a 601 anymore, would it? =20
It depends on what it takes to start up the other CPU. Some mac68k
emulators would start running the on-board (non-upgraded) cpu, and then
have an init switch over.
Also, we still wouldn't support the on-board hardware (nubus cards, etc).
Take care,