Subject: Re: NetBSD/G3 upgrade
To: Rolf Marvin =?iso-8859-1?q?B=F8e?= Lindgren <>
From: Dan Foster <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 06/20/1999 17:51:25
Hot Diggety! On a bright and sunny day, Rolf Marvin B=F8e Lindgren was rumo=
red to have said...
> [ Rolf Marvin B=F8e Lindgren
> | I understand that NetBSD does not work on the PowerMac 7100, but would
> | it if I upgraded it to a G3?
> [ Bill Studenmund
> | Unfortunatly not, though it might be closer. The problem is that we
> | support neither the CPU (the 601) nor the hardware in that
> | machine. :-(
> if I installed a G3 CPU upgrade, say a MaxPower (or whatever cute
> spelling they use) it wouldn't be a 601 anymore, would it? =20
Yes, but that still wouldn't solve the issue of the hardware in the box
such as ASICs, controllers, bus, ROM, and so forth. Change motherboard
as well, then it might be more doable :-) Which is kind of self-defeating,
short of someone volunteering to donate know-how and time to write support
for it. I got neither, I'm afraid.