Subject: mounting distribution sets
To: None <>
From: Robert Leenheer <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 06/02/1999 09:15:52
I've been trying to install NetBSD-1.4 on my 8500, I've downloaded all the
distribution sets and the boot floppy.
After booting from the floppy, the installer starts and prepares my disk
for NetBSD. So far so good.
Then the installer asks for the location of the disribution sets. The problem
is: how to make the distibution sets accessible for the installer.
I don't have another machine available for NFS. I don't have them on CDROM.
I do have a ZIP drive. I noticed that mount_msdos is available, but mounting
a MSDOS formatted ZIP disk with the distribution sets failed.
Any help in this matter is greatly appreciated.