Subject: Re: usb keyboard update
To: Tsubai Masanari <>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 05/14/1999 10:47:26
On Fri, 14 May 1999, Tsubai Masanari wrote:
> >Unfortunatly the "must press shift first" bug is still there. I haven't
> >tryed Tsubai's patch yet.
> wskbd tries updating LEDs just after first key press. This request
> seems to make bad interaction with previous (keypress?) event.
> This patch also works:
Weird. Could part of the problem be that these keyboards only have one
Also, where does the mouse fit into this? I've found I don't get the
problem w/o the mouse. ? Maybe mouse init is leaving something in a state
whcih LED updating messes up?
Tsubai, thanks!
Take care,