Subject: NetBSD/macppc and the "Blue & White" G3s
To: None <>
From: Joel Klecker <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 01/28/1999 18:17:31
I tried the "990119" snapshot on one of these machines, but didn't
get very far unfortunately. The kernel doesn't seem to deal with the
PCI-PCI bridge (a DECChip 21154[0]) and thus a great deal of the
devices are unconfigured (including ADB).
[0] The kernel does see it and recognize the vendor and device IDs
(to the extent that it prints the human readable strings to go with
them), but reports the device as "not configured".
Joel Klecker (aka Espy) <URL:>
<> <>
Debian GNU/Linux PowerPC -- <URL:>