Subject: Re: some observations on the peripheral market
To: <>
From: wb2oyc <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 01/10/1999 20:11:29
>> and then nothing works anymore.
>I feel I have to defend USB here. Of course, putting EVERYTHING on
>USB would be utter stupidity. It's not meant as a replacement for
>SCSI, IDE, or Ethernet. I know that there are interfaces for both for
>USB, but using those for anything serious would be silly. USB is
>meant as you bus to connect keyboards, speakers, mice, printers etc.
Its meant to be a cheap way to put EVERYTHING on, for the home user.
>Using it for disks is madness, in my opinion.
Sure is. But, have you looked at the mag's lately; floppies, zip, etc
all for USB...the hype is there, to get the great unwashed to put it
all on I said, cheaper ain't neccessarily better..especially
when its cheaper for them, and not better for us.
How would you put a big external disk on an IMac? Answer; you can't!
Not unless you put it on USB. How would you put a floppy on an IMac?
if you needed to; USB.
And soon you'll see PC's doin' the same thing...probably next month
as a matter of fact. No expansion slots; only USB. It won't be long
in coming...
Great for laptops, if it proves to be reliable enough and rugged, but
I don't like the idea that it'll be that or nothing, unless you pay
big time...and thats whats gonna happen.
>> the buss....and NOTHING WORKS!
>One device cannot kill the bus. That's built into how USB works. Of
Yeah right, and thats what they said about ethernet too! Doesn't
happen much these days, but I was weaned on it, and if you believe
its not possible you're dreamin'
>course, the host controller driver needs to do bandwidth accounting
>to make sure it doesn't happen.
Uh huh, and thats never gonna break is that right? Like I said, when
You made my point.