Subject: Re: CVS commit: src
To: Erik Bertelsen <>
From: Tsubai Masanari <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 10/14/1998 17:13:57
>Have you considered moving the common parts of mac68k/dev/*adb* and macppc/dev/*adb*
>to e.g. /sys/dev/adb before having the adb parts on macppc diverge too much
>from the mac68k adb ?
Yes, I think it is better. But, for now, I will be very happy if I can
modify ADB driver without annoying mac68k users.
macppc's ADB driver is not complete. It doesn't work on some PowerMac
compatibles because of timing problem (or driver bug). And it is very
complicated... So, in short words, please wait a while.