Subject: Re: This is what I get for not paying attention...
To: None <>
From: Craig Hickey <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 09/07/1998 16:36:15
> At 3:36 AM -0700 8/26/98, Monroe Williams wrote:
> [...]
> >Should it matter that I'm using 'kbd' for input
> >and '/chaos/control' for output instead of the serial console?
> Since writing this, I have found that using serial console allows
> me to get much further. I can now get all the way through booting,
> but the "Terminal type? [sun]" prompt doesn't respond to input.
> I don't know whether it's hung or just not getting input properly.
> I've tried pulling out all PCI cards, motherboard cache, and various
> amounts of memory, with no change in symptoms.
> At 4:48 AM -0700 9/3/98, Tsubai Masanari wrote:
> >Some serial cables (e.g. SparcIPX's one) seem to have this problem.
> >Another cable if you have, please?
> The cable works fine when communicating with OF. Both machines are Macs,
> and it's a din8<->din8 Mac "printer" cable. (The other machine is running
> NetBSD-mac68k, and I'm using 'tip' to connect.) I can try and dig up another
> cable, but I'd be really surprised if that were the problem.
> -- monroe
I've had the exact same problems, too. I used 'kbd' and '/chaos/control',
until I found it was senting boot into to the modem port. The furthest I
have gotten is the 'Terminal type?' prompt on my PMac 7600/132, but it will
not respond to any input.. (I've tried several boot floppy versions.)
Any ideas, Tsubai?
-- Acru