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Re: mac68k built-in video (PR#58164)

Hi Nat,

Thanks for your reply. I think the issues I'm seeing with the IIci are
related to its use of RAM-based video (RBV) and a bug in the NetBSD
Booter. There's also a bug in the kernel that causes the panic, as well
as some memory reporting issues, but the workaround is to use Nubus
video and 64 MiB in both Banks A and B (as it turns out, putting no
memory in Bank A and 64 MiB in Bank B also works when using Nubus video).


On 6/22/24 2:13 AM, Nat Sloss wrote:
> Hi,
>> The video issue with the Mac IIci does not appear to be a regression in
>> the kernel. It seems to be a limitation of the NetBSD Booter.
> I dunno if it relavent here but I thought I describe how I have a display on 
> an external monitor on my Powerbook 160.
> First the external display only works in NetBSD -current as I fixed a bug 
> relating to video display size and memory (WSFB kernel GENERIC worked without 
> the fix).
> The Booter only passes the primary display to the kernel in various mv_video* 
> paramaters and it was only possibile to attach one display either internal or 
> external video, enabling video mirroring resulted in the internal display 
> working only.
> To enable the external display:
> 1. Disable video mirroring in the Powerbook display control panel (something 
> similar might be required on other macs with video cards).
> 2. In the monitors control panel in the box with displays marked "1" and "2" 
> or more move the menu bar to the "2" or prefered display. and close the 
> monitors control panel.
> This display now becomes the primary display and its video paramters and 
> address and such are passed to the kernel and is used as the kernel display.
> I hope this helps.
> Best regards,
> Nat

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