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Re: MAC68K_MEMSIZE option

1) boot from FFSv2
2) allow booting kernels with DJMEMCMAX option
3) boot AV Macs properly (http://gnats.netbsd.org/54942)

Is anyone here familiar with the tooling needed for building Booter in Mac
OS? I'd like to set something up. I finally found my copy of THINK C that I
bought decades ago, in case it can be used.

Does anyone have any experience building Booter?

I did it in the past (before my harddisk died) and am in the process of
setting up a new environment right now.

Would you consider taking notes? ;)

I know about my SCSI changes and PR 54942, and know what to do about FFSv2,
but I could use proper patches for everything else.




This works in netbsd-9, at least - I'm running a Quadra 610 with two 128 meg SIMMs for a total of 260 megs - but Rob's version of the Booter does not load non-djMEMC kernels.


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