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Re: custom kernel problems

Am 25. Apr .2008 um 22:41 Uhr schrieb Hauke Fath:

#fpu0 at mainbus?      # Floating-Point Coprocessor support

Don't comment that out -- you definitely want the FPU support, trust me. ;)

Is that true for real 68040 CPUs? I thought "fpu0 at mainbus" refers to the coprocessor (68881, 68882) on 68020 and 68030 CPU boards. There is:

# CPU-related options.
options         FPSP
#options        FPU_EMULATE

I beleive I saw somewhere that FPSP meant the built-in FP unit in 68040 CPUs, while the FPU_EMULATE is for 68LC040 CPUs. But as usual, I probably don't know what I'm talking about. ;-)


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