Subject: Re: NetBSD 3.1 on a Powerbook 180
To: Hauke Fath <hauke@Espresso.Rhein-Neckar.DE>
From: Space Case <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 05/25/2007 16:56:52
On May 25, 11:59pm, Hauke Fath wrote:
>>I also downloaded and reinstalled the base.tgz file.  I saw it copy the
>>/sbin/init file into the system. When I tried to boot into the system
>>again, however, I got the same errors leading to: panic: no init.  Any
>Hm. Try an install kernel? It's the supported way of installing
>NetBSD/mac68k for quite some time, and considerably faster than the MacOS
>Installer, too. The only downside that I can think of is that you cannot
>install from tarballs on a HFS volume. Instead, you could pull the tarballs
>over the network, or from a CDROM.

I was going to suggest possibly once the filesystems are created, you
could use the Installer to copy the tarballs in, and use an install
kernel from that point.

But then I remembered -- isn't there a disconnect nowadays between the
Installer and current filesystems?  When the filesystem version number
was incremented, the Installer could no longer work with it.  I don't
know if the installer has been updated to work with current filesystems,
nor if current kernels can still understand the old filesystem that the
Installer creates.

Call me "out of the loop." ;-)
