Subject: Re: How to set up secure XDM ?
To: None <>
From: Kazuyuki Inanaga <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 11/27/2006 17:51:47

On 2006/11/27, at 5:40, wrote:
> I have a similar setup running, although with no X. NFS is an
> unecrypted protocol. /usr, however, shouldn't have anything on it that
> isn't already available for public download anyway.

How about 'netboot' ? /etc or /var goes on the network.
Unfortunatly (fortunately ?) I've not got a success yet.

> As far as
> potential injection and man-in-the-middle attacks go, well, if you
> have a halfway decent firewall you should be just fine (as long as
> your picky about who you let into your network).

My router(ready-made) has some filters, but I don't trust it.
Now I notice I should make a decent firewall first. It's the
most important thing. Thanks. I'll try;
"NetBSD Security Processes and Services"

> Since you're running /usr over NFS, why not just run X locally?

I read "A new use for old and outdated PCs".

I like '030 Macintoshes, and I'm 'trying to find a way to get
some good use out of them', too.

Please see "Figure 1." in "XDM: The basic concept:" page.
My xdmserver is Quadra which has Gimp. My Xterminal is IIci.
Direct query to xdmserver, and run Gimp.

   I knew nothing about xdm before, and never thought to run
   any graphic application on my '030.

In this case, IIci is just a Xterminal (display), not required
much CPU power and memory, right ?

 > The only requirement is that the remote machine speak X.

Yes, this is the reason to mount /usr (or /usr/X11R6) over nfs.
Gimp runs on IIci, it's a little bit slow, but fun to see it.

Kazu Inanaga