Subject: Back to NetBSD 68k
To: None <>
From: William Duke <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 11/19/2005 22:17:58
Well, after finally getting Debian Woody installed on my 7200/90 and running
properly, I'm back to playing with NetBSD on my Q700.  Here's a brief list
of the packages I'm going to attempt to build on my Q700:

- aterm
- afterstep
- dillo
- seti@home
- links

I haven't decided on an email client for my Q700 or my LCIII, yet.  I want
to move the LCIII to my bedroom as a little lighweight terminal.  I don't
really need a whole lot of computing power with this machine because I have
it configured to do X in 16bit color.  This means that I can run an X server
on the machine and do most of my computing on a more powerful remote box.

Anyway, does anybody have any suggestions for an email client?  Has anybody
tried to build thunderbird or sylpheed on a 68k box?
