Subject: Installer 1.1g won't mount 'root' partition
To: Mac 68k NetBSD <>
From: Mark Benson <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/13/2004 08:21:55
I have a small problem. I am trying to install NetBSD mac-68k on my 
Mystic Colour Classic. For those that don't understand what that is, 
it's a Colour Classic with a better board in - in this case an LC575 - 
and a few other tweaks like 68MB of RAM and a VGA video mod.
Anyway. The LC575 is supported by 1.4 or later, the 575 board I have 
has a fully operational; FPU enabled 040 on, yet I have run into a 
problem. I installed a big hard disk (4GB Seagate Medalist 7200rpm) so 
I'd have plenty of room. I partitioned off 2GB *after* (significant 
maybe?) the Mac OS partitions as 'A/UX Root&Usr' then 41MB as 'A/UX 
Swap'. Then i did the usual MKFS formatting of the partitions. I then 
ran the installer but it failed on the mount_fs operation. The text 
output showed it found the 2 partitions but it won't have any of it. 
Also I am running this in OS 8.1 - is that a factor?

I'm a bit stuck. So any help os greatly appreciated.

Mark Benson

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