Subject: Re: PowerBook Duo 230 (68030 -fpu)
To: Lucas Reddinger <>
From: Kazuyuki Inanaga <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/12/2004 23:20:03

I'm glad to know many members have a interest about Duo.

At 10:29 PM -0700 04.2.11, Lucas Reddinger wrote:
>Great. I found two NewerTech Ether MicroDocks on eBay. I jumped on one.

You are very lucky :) Good luck to you on eBay!

>So how would I go about installing this onto the Duo? I guess I have to
>rely on the MacOS to do the install, then if I get into NetBSD without
>having a way to get files onto it, won't I be stuck?

Daishi Kato and Takeo Kuwata who collaboreted for the driver
"if_netdock_nubus.c" could give us the best answer, I hope it.

Just for instance, my procedure is;

On the another machine:
1. cvs checkout(update) src
2. Make sure /usr/src/sys/arch/mac68k/nubus/if-netdock-nubus.c exists.
3. Edit machine description file in /usr/src/sys/arch/mac68k/conf/
    GENERIC(SBC) and INSTALL(SBC) for Duo230 specific;
    ># NuBus Ethernet controllers
    >#ae*          at nubus?      # DP8390-based
    >#sn*          at nubus?      # SONIC-based (DP83932, DP83916)
    >#sm*         at nubus?      # SMC 91cxx-based
    >netdock*    at nubus?      # Asante NetDock, Newer Ether MicroDock
    >#nsphy*  at mii? phy ?
    >#ukphy*  at mii? phy ?

4. Also make sure following 3 lines exist in;
    >device   netdock: ifnet, ether, arp
    >attach   netdock at nubus with netdock_nubus
    >file       arch/mac68k/nubus/if_netdock_nubus.c netdock_nubus

5. ./ release
     or as you like, must be included netbsd-INSTALL(SBC).gz.
6. Put release sets to FTP server.

We don't need to make any changes basically, because it is "supported" :)
I've no time for testing, just guessing, making a proper -current kernel
for Duo 230 is not so easy becuse of FPE and netdock.

CVS log for src/sys/arch/mac68k/nubus/if_netdock_nubus.c

And also, I posted before twice, -current sysinst is broken?
    Date: Wed, 14 Jan 2004 22:03:36 +0900
    Date: Sat, 7 Feb 2004 18:15:10 +0900
    Subject: Re: current sysinst changes
So, it might be better to build release sets with 1.6 sources.

At 7:30 PM -0800 04.2.11, Jon wrote:
>I have sucessfully booted a Duo 280 with a 1.6.1-GENERIC kernel as far
>as having it ask me for a root device.  I have not partitioned the HDD
>yet, so I have no idea what it does for the SCIS devices, but may
>prefer the SBC kernel as was mentioned earlier.

Yes, thanks a lot.
Duo 280 has MC68LC040, right? How about Duo 230 with MC68030,
no FPU? That's interesting, anyway.
I finished now just a quick booting test on Duo 230 with 4 instkernels.

    netbsd-INSTALLSBC.gz drops into freeze
    netbsd-INSTALL.gz can boot up  (But unfortunately, this RC4
    instkernel does not recognize Asante NetDock.)

-current 1.6ZI
   netbsd-INSTALL.gz or netbsd-INSTALLSBC.gz gets "Kernel FPU trap."

(sorry for a long preface)

On Duo 230 (Duo 210 also works same as 230)

1. Boot MacOS from External HDD or FDD. Format Internal Hard Disk.
    For connecting External HDD, you need a "SCSI Dock".
2. Install MacOS.
3. Attatch a Ether Dock and boot Duo 230 again from Internal Hard Disk.
4. FTP get netbsd-INSTALL(SBC).gz and Booter via AppleTalk Ethernet.
5. Boot and run sysinst as usual. Select install media "ftp".

Please let us know when you get some progress.

Kazu Inanaga