Subject: Re: Asante MCiLC-10T Mac PDS Support?
To: Daniel R. Killoran,Ph.D. <>
From: Michael G. Schabert <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/10/2004 16:34:19
At 10:00 AM -0500 2/10/04, Daniel R. Killoran,Ph.D. wrote:
>This sounds like an inability of the card to negotiate. I had a 
>similay trouble with Asante cards and inquired of them what was 
>going on. They replied (VERY quickly):
>>  >From your description (or by our assumption) this connection is to 10/100
>>NWay switch/hub or it is a direct connection to a 10/100 port on a
>>G3/G4/iMac/iBook.  The symptom usually seen is that there is no connection
>>to the network, with a flashing link light on the card and no link status
>>obtained on the switch or hub.  These MCiLC (LC-PDS) and MacCon (ComSlot)
>>cards were compliant and worked with the then existing IEEE standards when
>>purchased by your organization.
>>[This last remark is not strictly correct. I purchased them a month 
>>ago. It should read "These MCiLC (LC-PDS) and MacCon (ComSlot) 
>>cards were compliant and worked with the then existing IEEE 
>>standards when MANUFACTURED by OUR organization. " --- DRK]

I disagree. That last remark is still correct, as the cards still 
meet current IEEE standards, as of manufacture, as of your purchase, 
and as of today :). The failure is with the other end of the 
connection, as it is nonconformant to assume the other end can do 

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