Subject: building libiconv
To: '' <>
From: Larson, Timothy E. <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 08/18/2003 19:35:07
I'm trying to build several packages that depend on libiconv, which isn't building.  
I am getting errors of "'INSTALLPREFIX' undeclared".  
I found a section of the configure script that looks like it tries to create a confdefs.h file with #define for this var, but I don't have a confdefs.h file, so it must be failing to do that.  
If I am following the make process correctly, the configure script should be getting run.  
Thus I am at a loss to explain why the necessary .h is missing and the package doesn't build.  

My pkgsrc dates from August 8; I just pulled it down last week.  
In the past I've just skipped the pkgsrc version and built it directly, which sometimes works.  
If I'm missing something, though, I'd rather learn what it is.  
Any ideas what I can do?  


Tim Larson     <><   <><   <><   <><   <><     OL 4-131-2
Info. Services - Int. Med. Clin. Systems, Mayo Clinic, Rochester
The rights of man come not from the generosity of the state, but from the hand of God. - John F. Kennedy
I apologize for the irregular wrapping and quoting.  I use MS Outlook.