Subject: Mac OS installer vs. "new" file systems, was Re: Kernel 1.6 and IDE
To: Bruce ONeel <>
From: Frederick Bruckman <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 08/07/2003 20:13:42
On Thu, 7 Aug 2003, Bruce ONeel wrote:

> On the powerbook 500 I'm running on here I get the following
> when I run installer 1.1h
> After the root scsi id dialog it finds rsd0a etc and then I get
> /: bad dir ino 2 at offset 0:  mangled entry
> Then I have the option of exiting.
> A forced fsck from single user mode seems content though.
> I build this system with the 1.6 sysinstall kernel.

Ahh. The Mac OS installer only supports "old style" file systems,
such as those created by Mkfs, and even then it's horrible and slow.

For pulling files out of Mac OS, "hfsutils" is excellent. Going the
other way, it can, however corrupt the file system. It would be safer
to make a small scratch file system, than to let it operate on the
bootable partition, and to make it HFS rather than HFS+.

If you have a network, I find the most efficient and foolproof way to
transfer files is via a MacOS/68k ftp client, such as Netscape 3.x or
Anarchie. Anarchie even let's you drag and drop whole folders, so
there's no need for netatalk unless you want to run programs from
the network, or share a printer.
