Subject: RE: localtalk ...
To: None <>
From: Michael G. Schabert <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 07/26/2003 15:42:16
At 6:20 PM -0400 7/16/03, John Klos wrote:
>  > > How do I know which is which?
>>  > Don't the cables look the same?
>>  No. Localtalk cables have only 3 pins; they will not connect to the serial
>>  ports. The Localtalk interface will connect, but that's not the localtalk
>>  cable.
>A little clarification is in order here. A "Mac serial cable" is one where
>all the pins from one connector are wired to all the pins on the other.
>This means that the two connected devices can speak via serial or via
>A LocalTalk dongle is one which lets you use, typically, eiither a three
>wire cable or a four wire phone cord.
>Note than when it comes to connecting one device to on computer, a "Mac
>serial cable" is most often what is used, even with LocalTalk.

Thank you John. I am just catching up and was waiting for someone to 
mention this. Also, when LocalTalk came out, there was no localtalk 
dongle. Apple sold LocalTalk cables that had a barbed connector at 
one end kind of like a medical IV connector (or global village 
modem's ADB connector), with female connector at the "barb" for 


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