Subject: Re: Performa 550
To: Dan Willson <Dan.Willson@VPUADV.UAB.EDU>
From: Gary Montcalm <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 06/27/2003 11:34:42
Hi Dan--

Thanks for your response. That Amiga is a cool 68k box! I know zip 
about Amigas--Any idea which model it is?

I think this Performa 550 must already have a pretty good FPU. I 
haven't cracked the case yet, however--I'll take a look tonight. Thanks 
for the info on!

I realized after I posted that my last question was misleading--I 
actually have no idea what the "ultimate" 68k Mac would be. I'm 
guessing one of the Quadras, but LowEndMac has some negative comments 
about the case design of the later models. I would love to have a 
minitower that I could run headless and use telnet to talk to, but I 
don't know what to look for on eBay.

Gary Montcalm
Still a NetBSD Newbie