Subject: Re: mp3 on m68k (was headless)
To: MacBSD <>
From: Riccardo Mottola <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 03/02/2003 23:11:04
on 3/2/03 8:12 PM, John Klos at wrote:

> So a Quadra 840AV can do it, if someone is so inclined to port the Amiga
> client to NetBSD. What'd be way cooler, though, is if NetBSD had a
> cross-platform interface to the DSPs on any particular port. Then someone
> could make an MP3 and an Ogg decoder (and maybe encoder) that used the
> DSPs on the AV Quadras and the NeXT machines...
that would be *excellent*, is there DSP support at all under NetbSD? it
would be interesting to have Video capture and audio working on the Quadras
840 (and 660?)
The problem would also remain SCSI access, which on the 840 is still dogslow
and CPU consuming (no dma)
