Subject: Re: headless
To: None <>
From: Randy Beaudreault <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 03/01/2003 19:55:24
>On Saturday, March 1, 2003, at 09:45  PM, setient wrote:
>>do i have to put a paperclip in certain pins on my mac to make it so it
>>can boot headless and such if anyone has any information on this i know
>>next you have to.
>pins 7 & 11 (or really 4,7, and/or 10 tied to 11 depending on
>what type of monitor you want it to think is connected).

Or use a Mac to VGA adaptor like I do.
Randy Beaudreault

"Spam in a can" - a description of the first astronauts

"Love is like solving the perfect murder.  It's good to be good,
but better to be lucky" - Det. Frank Pembleton
 From the show, "Homicide: Life On The Street"