Subject: Re: NetBSD 1.6 doesn't install on Mac IIci with 4GB HD
To: Michael G. Schabert <>
From: Reinier Jonker <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/24/2003 13:06:33
On zondag, februari 23, 2003, at 11:57 PM, Michael G. Schabert wrote:

>>  > In any case, the Mac IIs can only go to 20 MBs and the IIx to 32
>>>  MBs. Not sure where the IIci falls.
>> No, both the IIci and the II can go up to 128 MB. But the IIci takes
>> "normal" SIMMS.
> Yeah, actually the II, IIx, and IIci all can go to 128MBs of RAM.
>>  The II requires a special signal to be able to handle simms
>> gretater than 1MB (or was it 2MB?).
> You must have a PMMU in order to address more than 8MB of RAM. SIMMs 
> greater than 4MB must be PAL or have a "timing compensation circuit".
> Similarly, some (but not all) IIci machines require Parity RAM (look 
> for a large parity IC to the left of the SIMM banks).

It appears parity-equipped IIci's are quite seldom, a quick Google 
search revealed that they were only available as a built-to-order 
option in the US. In other parts of the world it wasn't available at 
all. I have in fact never seen one in my life (and I have seen quite a 
lot of IIci's already :-)

Best Regards,

Reinier Jonker