Subject: Re: NetBSD in Centris 610
To: Jim Geovedi <>
From: Tom Jernigan <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/18/2003 09:46:18
>On Sat, 15 Feb 2003 11:30:36 -0800 Tom Jernigan wrote:
>>  Yes, I have 1.6 running on a Centris 610, but I did put in a full
>>  68040 from a Radius rocket.
>So it's nearly impossible to do NetBSD installation on ``standard''
>Centris 610? Mine always hung in each booting test. :/
>	Jim Geovedi <>

I don't know about impossible, but after reading all the problems 
with non-fpu machines on 1.4 and 1.5, I put in a full 040 before I 
started using it in 1.5.

When I went to 1.6 the only problem I had was trying to use 
Booter2.0.0a10 for sysinstall. The installation failed every time 
with segmentation fault as it was expanding the tarballs. 
Booter2.0.0a7 worked for all my macs (IIci, IIsi, 660av, and Centris 

Tom Jernigan,
presently at General Atomics in San Diego, Bldg 13/351a
Phone (858) 455-4122, FAX (858)455-2266