Subject: Netatalk authentication problem from OS X - 8.1 works
To: None <>
From: Bhavesh Patel <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/13/2003 18:29:31
I've just installed mac68k 1.6 on my Quadra 605  (w/FPU) and installed
netatalk-asun via pkg_add.  I'm not sure where the config files (papd, afpd,
atalkd) reside and upon bootup I see warnings stating that $atalkd, $afpd,
and $papd are not set properly.

Despite these warnings, from a Mac OS 8.1 Quadra, I can connect to and mount
my NetBSD share.  

When I choose connect to server from a 10.2.4 machine, I see the Q605 listed
as a server.  I then enter my login & password, but authentication fails
giving me a "Login failed - Unknown user, incorrect password or log on is
disabled" error.

This is strange as I'm using the same login & password that works from OS

Help with both the configuration files and the authentication please.
