Subject: Re: file system reqmts for 1.6 src treeu
To: Cameron Kaiser <>
From: Mark E. Perkins <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/02/2003 12:46:53
--On Thursday, January 02, 2003 06:07 -0800 Cameron Kaiser
<> wrote:

>> On a related note, what are the limits on file system size for
>> NetBSD/mac68k? There used to be some problems with partitions over
>> 1GB. But re-reading the FAQ, it appears they were related to the
>> MacOS Mkfs and Installer utilities. Is it safe to create larger
>> partitions under sysinst? More to the point: is it safe use >1GB
>> partitions under NetBSD/mac68k? 8^)
> I have been using a ~2GB partition without any problems as far back
> as 1.4.2 (IIci, 128MB RAM). Still in use, still works great.

Thanks for that confirmation. With the eight partition max, it gets a
bit difficult to do sensible partitioning otherwise. Right now on my
test system I have partitions for root (including /var and /tmp), /usr
(including /usr/pkg), /usr/src, /usr/pkgsrc and /home. With larger
partion sizes, I can have a separate /var partition and throw /usr/src
and /usr/pkgsrc on a very large partition where they can share
headspace by selective cleaning at appropriate times (maybe even all of
this on /usr).
