Subject: Re: mac68k Packages for 1.6
To: MacBSD <>
From: Riccardo Mottola <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 10/31/2002 22:11:30
on 10/31/02 9:48 PM, Bryan Vyhmeister at wrote:

> What sort of help would be most beneficial to the NetBSD/mac68k and/or
> m68k project?
> Bryan

if I can speak egoistic:

- quadra 900/950  (besides, those would be fast macs and useful to
build&compile, especially as regards of scsi controller) which would help my
IIfx too
- a better color X support? i wasn't able to build it under 1.5
- faster SCSI support (DMA) on quadra840

IIRC floppy disk isn't working on any mac, but that's a minor priority!

but I think other people here are more technical and experienced to
