Subject: Re: scsi-ethernet again
To: None <>
From: Mattias Sandstrom <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 09/20/2002 18:33:42
finally i'm getting somewhere. i pretty much changed every reference to 
periph and periphsw to sc_link and scsipi_device respectively, changed 
the names for some members, and it seems to work. the only things that i 
haven't figured out yet are the calls to the IFQ functions which i have 
simply just removed for now, and the check for the lun value, which i'm 
not sure i've found. there's a member of scsipi_scsi called lun, so i'm 
trying sc_link->scsipi_scsi.lun right now. correct?

thanks for your help. i'll post the modified source here for all you 
other old source users out there as soon as i get it to compile and 
run... ;-)
