Subject: Re: question cencerning formating a drive
To: port-mac68k <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Richard Massey <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 04/15/2002 19:09:19
>hi to everyone,
>i'm quite new an netbsd, have been workin on linux before. now i'm trying to
>get my old mac machines up and running with netbsd.
>my problem concerns initializing a drive. the error, apple hd sc setup gives
>me, says that there are still files in use on the disk, but i made all files
>visible using resedit and deleted them as far as i could: the desktopdb and
>so on can't be deletet, because mac os uses them, which is quite normal, i
>this problem occurs on two macs i have been given by friends and both use
>fwb as driver for the hard disk.
>is there any workarround, as i have no copy of the fwb hard disk toolkid
>which possibly could remove the driver?
>i hope, this is not too off-topic...
>would be nice if you would answer...
>Arndt G. A. Voges

I think that you are trying to reformat the boot drive.
If so then use a boot floppy and include hdsc setup.
If not then try to unmount the hard drive (drag to trash).
