Subject: Re: LocalTalk and bridging
To: None <>
From: Peter Hufnagel <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 12/18/2001 19:21:01
I happen to have an Asante EtherPrint box,
if anyone is interested in it.  Pretty sure I have
the software here for it also.

Also, I *think* I have a Shiva FastPath box
somewhere.  Not so sure about that, but I
am staring at the manual for it in my bookcase,
and I know I have two AUI cards for it.  I
thought I had one somewhere around, with
a thinnet card in it (could use the AUI card
and AUI->10BT if needed).   If anyone is
interested in this, I'll look for it.  Don't think
I have the software though, just the manual.
I think its a FastPath 4 box, not a 5, but
until I find it I don't know for sure.
