Subject: Re: FS: A/UX 3.01
To: <>
From: Denny <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 11/07/2001 09:52:43
Didn't Apple sell something to the company that makes Mach-Ten?
Like code from A/UX?

On 11/6/01 7:19 PM Henry B. Hotz Digitized this:

>>Apple may still care because not defending their license on this old
>>product sets a legal precident that dilutes their licenses on current
>*sigh* Yes.  Of course the availability and number of copies 
>downloaded would have to be something that Apple actually knows about.
>>products.  If they really didn't care legally they should/would release
>>the software as they did with MacOS 7.5.  Given that A/UX isn't available
>>from Apple in any form I'd be careful about posting it for others to