Subject: Re: Netatalk AFP performance?
To: Byan, Stephen <>
From: Randy Beaudreault <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 10/24/2001 14:00:05
>On another note, I had some difficulty installing 1.5 on this machine, as
>the Installer apparently doesn't support partitions greater than 500 MB. It
>will install on a 1 GB or a 2 GB partition, but running fsck after booting
>shows a terribly corrupted file system. The 1.5.1 Installer shows the same
>behavior. I ended up creating 500 MB partitions for root, /var, and /usr in
>order to install, and using the remaining 2.5 GB on the root disk for
>nothing in particular. Is this a well-known limitation of the Installer?


I don't have much to say about the begining of your mail, but I have 
something to say about the last paragraph.  I recently changed the hd 
in my Q800 to a 4GB Barracuda and discovered interesting issues when 
installing NetBSD on it.  The installer chokes on big installs, > 
1GB, which I overcame by installing using sysinst (the install notes 
are available via FTP from Bob Nestor's site: is the directory).  Next issue I 
had was booter problems when I put my partitions on the last half of 
the drive under Drive Setup (under OS 8.1).  When I put the 
partitions for NetBSD first the booter worked fine.

OS X - UNIX for the rest of us
NetBSD - I got it up and running!