Subject: Re: Mounting Floppies
To: Matthew <>
From: Henry B. Hotz <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 09/14/2001 13:13:19
At 8:53 PM +0100 9/14/01, Matthew wrote:
>By your response, can I take it that floppies aren't supported in 
>NetBSD/mac68k, still? (Just like to be certain...)

The last I heard there was support for the SWIM chip accessing 
floppies in 800K mode.  This is based on documentation for the Apple 
IIgs or some such.  There is no support for 1.44MB floppies nor for 
720K PC compatible floppies.  Nor is there any standard support for 
HFS filesystems so you can't share the floppies with MacOS unless you 
install special utilities (and maybe not then).  Short answer: 
sometimes yes, but not in any format that any other machine can use.

I think the Quadra 660/840-av use an industry standard floppy 
controller and could probably be made to read/write PC floppies 
without enormous effort.  It's not supported by the floppy driver 
currently in the tree.
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