Subject: Re: netattalk umich via TCP/IP
To: None <>
From: =?iso-8859-1?Q?J=E9r=F4me?= Duquennoy <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 09/13/2001 11:45:20
>I'm confused as to why you consider this a bad thing.
As I expained in another post, the fact that the computer always try
to connect via TCP/IP force us to change the settings of TCP/IP to
ethernet, and back to ppp when we want to surf the web.
>That behavior has nothing to do with the NetAtalk distribution.
>That's how Apple DESIGNED AppleShare-over-IP to work. TCP doesn't
>have a method to find servers via the chooser, so that part is done
>in AppleTalk mode. When you connect to the server, your computer
>asks the other computer if it supports AFP-over-IP, and if so, it
>switches to that protocol for the rest of the connection. This is
>because connecting via TCP is *MUCH* faster than connecting via
>AppleTalk, when you're using NetAtalk or AppleShareIP (or OSX
>Server). If the server is another MacOS 9 computer using Personal
>FileShare, then TCP is actually slower, but that's just because
>there's no "real" support for being a TCP server, it just uses an IP
>bridge extension to let you connect via IP. The reason for that is
>so that you can actually connect to servers over the Internet.
>Also, it's not limited to OS9...OS8.1 and up should try to connect
>via TCP whenever the option is there :-).
I didn't know about this behavior. Thank you for those tech precisions.
Jerome Duquennoy
J=E9r=F4me Duquennnoy
15, rue des Moli=E8res
91400 Gometz la Ville
tel : 01 60 12 37 32
06 08 50 14 00