Subject: Re:Software LocalTalk Bridge on NetBSD?
To: Matthew Theobalds <>
From: Nathan Raymond <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 06/12/2001 14:55:27
At 7:04 AM +0100 6/12/01, Matthew Theobalds wrote:

>I have been browsing Apple's tech info site, and have found the 
>following tool, named LocalTalk Bridge:
>This allows a Mac with both Ethernet and Localtalk interfaces to 
>bridge the above networks.
>I seem to remember it being mentioned that NetBSD/mac68k does not 
>support localtalk, but I wonder whether it may have something 
>similar to this.

Apple's LocalTalk bridge relies upon both an active ethernet 
interface and an active LocalTalk interface.  NetBSD does not support 
LocalTalk (ironically, there is support for LocalTalk add-in cards in 
PCs and free drivers for them in x86 UN*X operating systems). 
Therefore, NetBSD cannot act as the bridge you desire.

>Does anyone know, or would it have to be worked on?

Someone would have to add LocalTalk support to NetBSD.

>I'd be willing to do any testing, or any help with the development, 
>as if I can get this to work I can save myself lots of money on a 
>hardware localtalk bridge...

The least expensive route is probably to dedicate a Mac running MacOS 
to be your bridge.
