Subject: Re: IIx support?
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 05/23/2001 23:55:51
>> And, mirabilu dictu, the disk still boots fine on the IIci, without
>> my having to uninstall or even disable MODE32.  Someone must have
>> done something right.

> The IIci was the first Macintosh to ship with "32Bit clean" ROMs.
> Mode32 detects that and disables itself.  (What did you expect?  It's
> a Macintosh!)

Actually, what I expected was a popup box saying that it was
unnecessary or unusable on the IIci.  Perhaps it's designed for cases
like this, for an installation that may be booted on hardware with or
without 32-bit-clean ROMs.

I've put the IIx back on the shelf for the time being, though; it has
only 5M of RAM, which would make it pretty near unusable.  This may be
fixable, but with another working mac68k machine (the IIci), I don't
need it at present.

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