Subject: Re: IIfx and 950
To: Riccardo Mottola <>
From: Allen Briggs <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 05/09/2001 14:28:16
On Wed, May 09, 2001 at 07:19:44PM +0200, Riccardo Mottola wrote:
> But for the two computers mentioned in the topics still no hope ?

Depends on what you mean by "no hope".  I'm running NetBSD on my Q950s,
but they are headless.  Yes, someone (I forget who, sorry) got the IOPs
working in Linux for ADB.  I started to work on it for NetBSD, but there
are just too many demands on my time right now and no one has picked the
ball up.  Realistically, I don't know when I'll think about looking at
this again.  There are other things that interest me more with NetBSD,
NetBSD/mac68k, and elsewhere...


 Allen Briggs               Quality NetBSD CDs, Sales, Support, Service
NetBSD dev. for _your_ Alpha, ARM, M68K, MIPS, PowerPC, SH3, Sparc, x86, etc...