Subject: Process (pid 1) got signal 4...?
To: None <>
From: Mason Loring Bliss <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 04/15/2001 13:08:14
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Hey, all. I've been trying to set up a Mac IIci with NetBSD 1.5, and I'm
encountering "technical difficulties".

In rough order:

1) I can't load a kernel from my hard disk. Booter says something about the
file it's trying to load being too large.

2) If I boot a generic kernel from HFS, around where the kernel's firing off
init and stuff, I get the error listed in the subject line.

However, I don't think this is a problem with SCSI on the box, because:

3) When I netboot, using a kernel launched from HFS, the kernel talks to
the dhcp server, finds its root, and THEN starts spewing the "signal 4"

Clues will be most welcome. :) Ideally, I'd like to run a root partition
on the local drive, but I'm happy netbooting the thing for now, as needed.

Incidentally, there are a couple messages I've gotten indicating some sort
of weirdness talking to the SCSI disk. I've not tried an SBC kernel yet,
but I figured netbooting and totally ignoring the disk would obviate any
such problems. Evidently not! I'll see about getting a serial console onto
the thing so I can cut and paste, and provide more detail.

Thanks in advance for clues!

Mason Loring Bliss             (( "In the drowsy dark cave of the mind drea=
ms  )) build  their nest  with fragments  dropp=
ed ((  from day's caravan." - Rabindranath Tago=

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