Subject: Re: netatalk for NetBSD?
To: None <>
From: Matthew Theobalds <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 04/15/2001 12:57:01
On Sunday, April 15, 2001, at 02:06  am, Todd McDaniel wrote:

> All right. I have it running. Thanks!

No problem. Always glad to help.

> Next stoopid question:
> How do I get it to load at boot time?

The easiest way is probably to, as root, do:

	crontab -eu root

This will edit roots crontab. Add it to the bottom @reboot. It'd be 
something like:

	@reboot					/usr/pkg/sbin/atalkd
	@reboot					/usr/pkg/sbin/papd
	@reboot					/usr/pkg/sbin/afpd

I have a feeling that this order didn't work very well -- it didn't 
load, hence me no longer having it. However, I rarely reboot (touching 
wood) so it doesn't matter too much and I cannot remember for sure. In 
summary, you may have to play with the order that they load.

All the best.
