Subject: Re: configuring X11 for fvwm
To: None <>
From: Richard Weltman <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/27/2001 21:07:37
J. Seth Henry wrote:
> FVWM is reporting that another window manager is running already.
> Check the contents of your xinitrc and startx scripts (.xinitrc in
> your home dir). What is probably happening is that startx is calling a
> script which starts twm or some other window manager. You need to find
> that script and change it, or create a local .xinitrc which calls fvwm
> Remember, make the program which will terminate X11 the last one 
> called.

Frederick Bruckman wrote:
> For "startx", create a file ~/.xinitrc that contains
>   exec fvm2

Eureka - a calculator! It's working - thank you - very happy now!



if FVWM looks at the .fvwm2rc file to get the ModulePath info,
do you know the correct format to edit it, to prevent these errors?

[FVWM][executeModule]: <<ERROR>> No such module 'FvwmButtons' in 
ModulePath '/usr/pkg/lib/X11/fvwm2/2.2.2'

[FVWM][executeModule]: <<ERROR>> No such module 'FvwmPager' in 
ModulePath '/usr/pkg/lib/X11/fvwm2/2.2.2'

I haven't made a /usr/pkg directory on my system - the legacy
of a less than perfect installation procedure has made the fvwm
man pages unavailable...thinking of starting over from scratch,
and doing everything right this time! it's amazing that anything
has worked at all really :)