Subject: Re: Installer docs?
To: Ian Goldby <>
From: Richard Weltman <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/26/2001 00:52:11
AFAIK it will get .tar.gz files (only) accross and decompressed, from
an HFS partition, but will not nescessarily put them in the right place,
which can be a headache if you're learning as you go along - even the
accompanying Read Mes get mislaid, and it's not worth the trouble.

have you looked at the *newbie - afterstep setup error* thread, for 
better alternatives and more info?

All the information I got on the Installer, Installation and Life
After Installation, was from the and 
sites. There's no mention of the Installer doing anything other than 
get you started.

hope this helps
