Subject: Re: read-only file system
To: Ian Goldby <>
From: Paul Treadwell <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/25/2001 16:57:03
>Hi, Paul.
>I guess you are still in single-user mode if you haven't yet edited the
>rc.conf file. Try this:
>export TERM=vt100
>tset vt100
>mount /dev/sd0a
>vi /etc/rc.conf

Thanks Ian,
	I'm very happily up and running now ! I had a message :

mount_ffs: /dev/sd1a on /:specified device does not match mounted device

but after rebooting I haven't seen it, and everything seems to be working.
So now it's off up the learning curve after only knowing the MacOs !

cheers, Paul