Subject: Re: read-only file system
To: Paul Treadwell <>
From: Ian Goldby <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/24/2001 17:18:25
>	I'm a complete beginner and have just installed netBSD 1.5 on a
>320MB external HD attached to my LCIII+. All went well, and it booted up
>fine and I could move around etc., but when I came to edit the rc.conf
>file, I was told that my filesystem was read-only. Can anybody help ?
>cheers, Paul

Hi, Paul.

I guess you are still in single-user mode if you haven't yet edited the
rc.conf file. Try this:

export TERM=vt100
tset vt100
mount /dev/sd0a

vi /etc/rc.conf

The first bit sets the terminal so that fullscreen vi works. You've
probably already done something like this (or don't need to). I think
the 'mount' command is the bit for making the disk writeable.

One thing I missed the first time - if you used the installer that
comes with version 1.5 (1.1g), you need to make some extra devices that
the 'Make devices' menu command missed, before you try to boot into
multiuser mode.

cd /
mount -rw /
cd /dev

If you used installer 1.1h, I'm told this is not necessary.
