Subject: Re: Problems installing NetBSD 1.5 on IIci
To: Bill Brideson <>
From: Colin Wood <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/20/2001 02:01:32
Bill Brideson wrote:
> 1)  I downloaded NetBSD 1.5 for Mac68K Saturday and then set about
>     reading the directions and getting it installed.  Downloading
>     appeared to go fine, and the installation worked fine except
>     for one step:
>     When ran the installer and asked it to install netbsd-INSTALL.gz
>     and netbsd-INSTALLSBC.gz in the "instkernel" folder within the
>     "installation" folder, I got these messages:
>     Inflating...
>     bad block type 3
>     Invalid compressed data -- format violated 2
>     Unexpected end of file -- not a valid tar archive.
>     Try using the mini shell and cpin or cpout.
>     Finished extracting netbsd-INSTALL.gz

the installer only installs gzipped tar archives (i.e. .tar.gz or .tgz
files).  it doesn't handle files that have merely been gzipped.  if you
read the INSTALL document, it probably makes _no_ mention of installing
the INSTALL kernel.  this is b/c you _shouldn't_ install it.  just install
the kern.tgz set in the binary/sets directory and you're good to go (well,
assuming you install the base.tgz and etc.tgz sets as well ;-)

if you want to install via the INSTALL kernel (and not via the installer),
you'll need to point the booter to the INSTALL kernel and boot from it
that way.  i wouldn't recommend doing this unless you read bob's docs on
using sysinst with mac68k.
> 2)  The single-user shell won't accept vt220 for the value
>     of the TERM option.  I'm using the HTML form of the
>     installation instructions, and this is in the section
>     "Post Installation Steps" under "Installing the NetBSD
>     System."
>     Nor will the single-user shell accept the values vt52,
>     vt100, VT52, VT100, or VT220 (which are all of the DEC
>     terminal types I can remember).
>     Bbecause I can't set TERM, I can't edit /etc/rc.conf,
>     so I can't boot multi-user.

did you install into 1 partition or more than 1?  did you install all of
the sets?  it sounds like /usr/share/misc/termcap is cannot be found.  you
might want to verify it's existence before continuing.

i hope this helps some.

