Subject: sysinstal install fun
To: port-Mac68k netbsd mailing list <>
From: Josh Kuperman <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/08/2001 10:27:35
I tried the sysinstal and it seemed to go well until the end. This was
really a test run, but it triggered some questions. I'd like to know
the things I missed. If anyone wants I could outline it in more detail
if anyone things it would be useful to have the documentation -- I did
see some questions about an ftp install the other day and a few things
that I thought were trivial.

Here's an outline of what I did.

I increased the memory for the booter on the MacOS to about 32M (I
have 68 and thought half reasonable.).

I copied the SBC install kernel off of the CD I bought from Bob Nestor
to my hard drive. (I tried once just pointing using it off the CD and
there was a problem)

I don't remember it I had booted from my Syquest Drive or My Mac HD. 

It seem to start up. I used the same partitions that I had set up
previously from my Installer based installs. I did have to put the
mount points in.

I chose to use the ftp method because I wanted to see if it worked and
my ISP wouldn't care after midnight. (Do I need to use the install
kernel from the same location as the source, ie. the CD install kernel
with the CD and the ftp install kernel for an ftp install.)I copied
all the info from my dsl connection.  Names assigned, DNS servers,
etc. Filled out the connection info, media type - inet, domains,
gateways, etc. (Why does it need anything more than IP, Netmaks,
Gateway, and DNS server address? Though the offer to put all the stuff
in the right place at the end is nice!)

I let'er rip. And it started installing. The lack of details is
because I went to bed and then either I or a friend, would hit yes to
everything accepting the installers choices whenever we got up for
anything, except for adding a root password because I knew I wouldn't
remember that in the middle of the night. I put in some time zone
stuff this morning. I didn't try to do any editing of rc.conf

I have two problems: 

1. The Mac won't boot from the hard disk now. I get a flickering
dialog box without a dialog. (I can still boot from the Syquest drive
without a problem and everything seems to be fine on the Mac Partition
on the Hard Drive.) 

2. I wind up with an unimplemented trap error when I tell it to boot
into NetBSD. I haven't tried to boot to single-user mode yet. 

Any ideas on what the failures might be?

Josh Kuperman